Scope of work
Final project evaluation for social integration project
Project ID
REINASSANCE – Paths for social reintegration of people with mental illness in Burkina Faso.
The project intends to develop the model of taking charge of people with mental illness promoted by the local counterpart Center Notre Dame de l’Espérance.
This center, promoted by the Diocese and managed by the Saint Camille BF Association, is the only one in the urban and peripheral context of Bobo Dioulasso to offer hospitality, treatment and the possibility for people with abandoned and wandering psychic distress to undertake social reintegration pathways. Activities aim to strengthen the synergies between this reality and the relevant services (Bobo University Hospital, CSPS related to the Regional Health Directorate) and the community resilience capability, for the progressive institutional and social governance of the phenomenon.
THINK GLOBAL has been appointed for the end-term evaluation of the AICS-funded project.