Market Assessment & Value Chain Agri-business and Natural Resources

Scope of work

Unlocking Agricultural Potential: Labour Market Analysis & Value Chain Assessment for South Sudan

Project ID

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South Sudan


United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)

United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)




THINK GLOBAL has undertaken a business and labour market study, as well as an assessment of the value chain of agricultural and natural resources for South Sudan area. In this process THINK GLOBAL is able to provide valuable insights for economic development and investment opportunities to support economic growth through skills development.

Thanks to a thorough understanding of the labour market trends in Upper Nile State,coupled with an adept analysis of potential agricultural value chain development and the vocational skills training sector’s capacity, THINK GLOBAL has furnished a comprehensive understanding of labour market demand, supply chain dynamics and value chain opportunities in South Sudan.
The findings and recommendations can be used to inform economic development strategies, government policies, and investment decisions.


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