Scope of work
Enhancing Operational Efficiency: Process Analysis and Review for an iNGO in Lebanon and Iraq
Project ID
Starting July 2023, THINK GLOBAL has been appointed by Terre des Hommes Italy HQ as leading consultant to carry out an operational process analysis and review in Lebanon and Iraq.
Terre des Hommes Italy, in order to strengthen its operational capacity over the field, implemented through Country Delegations, expressed its intention to conduct an analysis activity aimed at investigating operational processes in order to identify a path aimed at ensuring effective operational management in medium to long term.
The purpose of this activity is to formulate operational recommendations aimed at ensuring a streamlined, efficient coordination and strategic guidance structure in managing the operational, strategic and positioning activities at country level, ensuring consistency and coherence with TDH-IT Vision and Mission. The entire analysis and discussion processes consider that all outcomes need to be developed in such a way as to support Country Delegations activities, while constituting the basis of an analysis process applicable, as necessary, also to other TDH Delegations, oriented to a potential scalability at Regional and Global level.